Fáilte Welcome to this months’ Soulwork which compliments all you have experienced in the Lunar Gathering (please note that if you have not been able to attend that then this is an alternative). This is designed for you to do solo.
The inspiration for this Self Ceremony Theme: Shapeshifting with The Morrigan was gifted to me in my dreams under the waning Half Moon with her strong presence and the sound of Crows cawing loudly as a Wake Up! call to move forward with power.
This month’s Self Ceremony gifts you the opportunity to fly high and gain perspective on what you need to do to manifest your best future. You are invited to go on a unique safe visual and palpable Meditation known as a Shamanic Journey. The Irish Goddess The Morrigan will be your guardian and guide. This simple yet highly effective Self Ceremony will gift you the opportunity to know intimately how to shapeshift into our allies the Crows to gain perspective on our lives.
You are now following in the footsteps of your foremother Ancestors creating Self Ceremony in the privacy of your own home or garden. It is time to begin – your Celtic soul is ready.