The objective of this module of the Course material is to prepare you to host the Moon Mná Theme: Keening Ceremony. You will find here a variety of methods to learn how to offer the women who come to sit in Circle an opportunity to express their grief and to mourn safely. Examples of the core Moon Mná aspects of the Theme are presented in videos and matching documents to empower you to connect the women with their spiritual guidance including the Mná Caoineadh (Keening/Crying Women), encourage their release and finally to keen for their own personal, communal and global sorrows.
The videos from this Theme come to you from the beautiful seaside garden of Moon Mná Circle Facilitator and Artist Sannie Cudzer at dusk. There was a poignancy of offering this precious Ceremony by the salty sea symbolising our tears.
Please enjoy this powerful yet simple tradition of Keening that has been evolved so that we, as modern women, may express not simply our own grief but also that which may be held in our families and communities. It is time to let go and we are ready to be of service just like the Mná Caoineadh of old.