Fáilte Welcome to this months’ Soulwork which compliments all you have experienced in the Lunar Gathering (please note that if you have not been able to attend that then this is an alternative). This is designed for you to do solo.
The inspiration for this Water Witching Self Ceremony came at the bank of the River Boyne the shapeshifting energies of the Irish Celtic Goddess Boann (pronounced Bow-Anne) that flows past Newgrange where the rising sun shines into the womb-like Cairn at the Winter Solstice. She is a River Goddess also called Bóinn and she gifts us the power to flow with our decisions.
She chose to take a lover – the Dagda and her story include a night and day of passion that lasted nine-month to birth their son – the Irish God of Love, Aenghus Óg. Boann dared to seek the knowledge of the sacred Well of Seigais and bravely crafted a plan to gain all she desired not knowing what lay on the other side. Like Boann, our fledgeling plans can lead us to greatness beyond our wildest dreams. Let us remember her courageous story and all she gifts us this mid-Wintertime.
You are now following in the footsteps of your foremother Ancestors creating Self Ceremony in the privacy of your own home or garden. It is time to begin – your Celtic soul is ready.