Fáilte Welcome to this months’ Soulwork which compliments all you have experienced in the Lunar Gathering (please note that if you have not been able to attend that then this is an alternative). This is designed for you to do solo.
The inspiration for this Self Ceremony Energetic Spring Clean Theme came at the Healing Well in Kildare under a beautiful Waning Full Moon inspired by Irish Celtic Goddess Brigid (Bridge-id) as early preparations for Imbolg began. She is the Goddess of Springtime and she gifts us the ability to release the old and welcome in the new at this cleansing time of year.
Brigid is the quintessential Irish woman of the heart and hearth, Matron Saint of Ireland and guardian of mid-wives, poets, blacksmiths and mothers. Our Theme this month offers an invitation to cleanse and clear our homes energetically. If you have never done this before, it is a revelation and if you have then you already know how powerful it is. Irish Goddess Brigid with her practical, get-things-done feminine power is here to help. This simple yet highly effective Self Ceremony will gift you the opportunity to have your home energetically sparkling and fresh this Springtime.
You are now following in the footsteps of your foremother Ancestors creating Self Ceremony in the privacy of your own home or garden. It is time to begin – your Celtic soul is ready.