Fáilte Welcome to this months’ Soulwork which compliments all you have experienced in the Lunar Gathering (please note that if you have not been able to attend that then this is an alternative). This is designed for you to do solo.
The inspiration for this potent Self Ceremony was ‘gifted/channeled’ by the archetypal energies of the ancient stone carvings of Síle Na Gig opening her vulva in wild free orgasm to call women to embrace their sacred sexuality in the most natural way. By awakening your birthright of this aspect of your holistic being, you will release anything from the past that may be impeding the integration of this vital aspect of your psyche. Síle na Gig’s immense energies offer you the opportunity to embrace your wild and passionate nature in a powerful yet beautifully simple way as you open yourself to receive in the privacy of your own home. This simple yet highly effective Moon Ritual will gift you the ability to know and embrace your sacred sexuality safely and easily.
You are now following in the footsteps of your foremother Ancestors creating Self Ceremony in the privacy of your own home. It is time to begin – your Celtic soul is ready.