Lunar Gathering Circles

As a woman in today’s busy world, does your Celtic soul yearn to be your authentic self in the company of others who understand what it is to commune with nature, seek the wisdom of our fore-mothers and receive the Rites of Passage of the Goddesses of Ireland? This beautiful Course is a gathering of international women who meet online every month for our Lunar Gathering Circles and create Ceremony at home with the self-paced Soulwork. We know you have much to do in your life so everything is simple, easily accessible and importantly fun too. Simply note when the Lunar Gatherings are on in your Moon Mná Diary-Journal, keep in touch via our Moon Mná social media pages for reminders if you wish and then choose your own time and place to explore the optional Soulwork. If you skip a month, that is fine simply re-engage for the next exciting Theme.

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This is for you if:

You desire to create the opportunity to change something very deep in today’s culture and society to pave the way for yourself and indeed future generations of younger women so that we are equal but different to our menfolk.

You feel that many of us womenfolk have an initial disadvantage growing up by needing to overcome centuries of being told we were ‘less than’, and so not ‘rating’ ourselves consequentially and yearn to do something about.

You hear the call to attune to the Goddesses of Ireland over the year in the company of like-hearted women to pave the way to honour, respect and bring to the fore a vital and empowered part of your being holistically.

You sense intuitively that  this international Lunar Gathering Tuatha (Irish Gaelic for Tribe) will gift you community, belonging, sacred Ceremony and most importantly the wisdom of the ancient ways.


What Happens At the Lunar Gathering Circles?

The ‘jewel in the crown’ of the Course is when we join international soul sisters during our monthly online Lunar Gathering Circle. This is when you will receive Irish Celtic Women’s Rites of Passage, be led in profound Imramma – shamanic ‘Wonder Voyages’ and inspired with fascinating creative traditions by a different Moon Mná Circle Facilitator each month introduced by me. This is a simple yet profound way to begin or indeed deepen your journey to honour the Divine Feminine.  Each month there is a special Theme on an important aspect of being a women in today’s world – our sacred sexuality, visioning our future, the triple spiral of Maiden, Mother and Crone, our wombs and breasts, crafting and the cycle of birth, death and rebirth amongst many. The Irish Celtic Goddesses are our guides and guardians for 9 of these life changing Circles (scroll down for all the details – including live and recorded options).

So many women wish to honour their deep longings  to connect with ancestors, spiritual guides, our amazing female bodies and the Divine Feminine in a way that is safe and supported. This is a wonderful  opportunity for you  to set aside precious time  to commune with the ancient wisdom of Seanmháthair Gealach, Grandmother Moon while stepping into a worldwide community of women with me and the other Circle Facilitators each month online.

                                                                                               Does your Celtic soul hear the call?

The Benefits of Lunar Gathering

Many Moons ago our female Ancestors were initiated into womanhood by their Elders in sacred Ceremony. There was no shock or hurt finding out about the rudiments of sexuality and menstrual shedding behind the bicycle shed at school . Instead there was a loving welcome and treasured celebration of the ‘blood mysteries’ of womenfolk. 

With these special Rites of Passage gifted by me to you in an online Circle once a month, you are given the immense opportunity to awaken all that lies within your heart of hearts. It is our natural birthright to be sovereign, empowered and loving and over the year we will explore this and so much more together as a  ‘tribe’ of soul sisters who seek to know.


The Benefits of Lunar Gatherings

Many Moons ago our female Ancestors were initiated into womanhood by their Elders in sacred Ceremony. There was no shock or hurt finding out about the rudiments of sexuality and menstrual shedding behind the bicycle shed at school! Instead there was a loving welcome and treasured celebration of the ‘blood mysteries’ of womenfolk. 

With these special Rites of Passage, gifted by one of the Moon Mná Circle Facilitators I have trained, you are given the immense opportunity to awaken all that lies within your heart of hearts. It is our natural birthright to be sovereign, empowered and loving and over the year together we will explore this and so much more together as a community of soul sisters who seek to know.

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What You Will Receive As Part of your Lunar Gathering

Live Gathering (Recording option also available)

Join me and a different Moon Mná Circle Facilitator each month for a Live Zoom Conference Call where we will see and interact together over this hour and a half long online Circle. I will be delighted to introduce our host and she will lead the Theme for the session. These take place each month (dates below) mostly from 8.00pm-9.30pm Irish time (if you are at a different time zone, please check at, under the watchful gaze of Grandmother Moon. If you cannot attend live, the Zoom recording will be available for a week afterwards in a self-paced version.

Irish Celtic Rites of Passage for Women

Awaken your feminine power, sacred sensuality, intuition and so much more by receiving the exquisite ancient women’s Rites of Passage in the Irish Celtic tradition.  I have been truly honoured to have been inspired to pass on these primal Rites through divine inspiration, the wisdom of the sacred land of Ireland and the archetypal energies of the Irish Goddesses. I teach the students of the Moon Mná Circle Facilitators how to gift them to the women in their Circles and over the year ahead 12 of them join me to offer the Rites to you.

Like-Hearted Community

We will e-meet each month during our hour together via the Zoom Breakout Rooms where you may share as much or as little as you are comfortable with in pairs or triskels during the Talking Full Woman tradition section. You also have the opportunity to join with soul sisters from this and other Moon Mná Courses on our seasonal in-person events (if you live aboard, no worries, the Zoom Meeting is the main feature). 

Matching Soul Work Self-Paced Moon Rituals

Every month as part of your Moon Spiral Tuatha package you have access to wonderful self-paced ceremonies which are a simple and profound way to bring sacred rituals into your home or garden under your favourite Moon phase. This is how you may honour your deep yearnings to connect with your ancestors, spiritual guides, beautiful female body and the Divine Feminine in a way that is safe and supported.

As a modern women in today’s world, through this section of the Course, you are invited to set aside precious time for yourself to commune with the ancient wisdom of Seanmháthair Gealach, Grandmother Moon in between the time we share together at the monthly Lunar Gathering Circles.

In our worldwide community of women together collectively we will be amplifying all we learn about each month’s Theme to ripple out into our homes, gardens and neighbourhoods organically and safely. Do you wish to step forward to create and weave the energies of the Divine Feminine at this key time of humanity?

Every month as part of your Moon Spiral Tuatha package you have access to wonderful self-paced Ceremonies which are a simple and profound way to bring sacred rituals into your home or garden under your favourite Moon phase. So many women wish to honour their deep yearnings to connect with Ancestors, spiritual guides, our amazing female bodies and the Divine Feminine in a way that is safe and supported.

This is a unique opportunity for you as a modern women in today’s world to set aside precious time for yourself to commune with the ancient wisdom of Seanmháthair Gealach, Grandmother Moon in between the time we share together at the monthly Lunar Gatherings and on our private Facebook page.

In our worldwide community of women together collectively we will be amplifying all we learn about each month’s Theme by. Knowing that you are stepping into a worldwide community of women together collectively creating and weaving the energies of the Divine Feminine in our own homes, gardens or special places of resonance.
Art by Barbara O'Meara

Here's what you will receive as part of your Soulwork

A Goddess Introduction Video

I have recorded a video for you to learn all about the  Goddess guardian guide (or feminine aspect) behind each Theme. We will further explore this archetypal energy together in the Lunar Gathering Circle in a fascinating story to be pondered.

Ritual and Matching Chant

This profound yet simple step by step guidance gifts you the ability create your own self-paced Moon Ritual each month in the privacy of your own home or garden. This supplements all we will share in the Lunar Gathering Circles together.

Course Material

The material shared is downloaded in pdf format to assist you incorporate this easily into your life bringing the sacred into your home.

Insights to Ponder

All that you will experience in the Lunar Gatherings either live or by recording will gift you important aspects of being a woman to ponder in your own time. Remember to be open to the inevitable synchronicities and serendipity that will follow!

Live Gathering

Join me for a Live Zoom Conference Call where we will see each other and interact together over this hour long online Circle. These take place each month (dates below) mostly from 8.00pm-9.30pm, usually under the Full Moon but not always. As these are sacred Rites they will not be recorded and must be experienced live.

Irish Celtic Rite of Passage for Women

Receive the powerful Irish Celtic Women’s Rites of Passage, unique to Moon Mná, to awaken power, sacred sensuality, insights and so much more within you.  These Rites were passed to me through divine inspiration and this sacred land.


We will e-meet each month during our hour together via the Zoom Breakout Rooms where you may share as much or as little as you are comfortable with in pairs or triskels during the Talking Full Woman tradition section. You also have the opportunity to join with soul sisters from this and other Moon Mná Courses on a private Facebook Page (if you prefer not to use Facebook, no worries, the Zoom Meeting is the main feature. 

Goddess Video

This video explains all about the Goddess guardian or feminine aspect behind each Theme we will explore in the Lunar Gathering together in a fascinating story to be pondered.

Ritual and Chant

This simple yet detailed step by step guidance gifts you the ability create your own self-paced Moon Ritual each month.

This supplements all we will share in the Lunar Gathering (and if you can’t make this then you have a lovely way to engage with the Theme in your own time.)

Access to Online Community

We have a dedicated Facebook group for participant sharing with other soul sisters from this Course as well as the Goddess Spiral of the Year and Lunar Gatherings on a private Facebook Page called Spiral Tuatha. If you prefer not to use Facebook, no worries, the material is the main feature. 

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How to Join The Lunar Gathering Circles

This sacred Course takes us around 13 Moon cycles over 1 year OR you can join monthly for each one individually. As a unique Moon Mná treasure. you have a glorious opportunity to experience how the Irish Goddesses and their archetypal energies relate to your contemporary life today as modern woman in the safe and special company of other like-hearted women from around the world.

If you sign up for the full year, you receive access to the Zoom link for each Lunar Gathering Circle and the full content of the Soulwork on the first of every month so you can go through it all at your own pace. If you sign up for one month, you will receive access to the Course material within 2 days.

Join the entire course for €250.oo or take each month individually for €25.00

Join the full Course of 12 months @ €250.00

There is a discount of €50.00 when you sign up for all 12 months. For this you receive access to all the monthly topics listed below.

Lunar Gathering Circle dates 2024

Aisling's Visioning, January

Date: January 11th

Host: Sannie Cuddihy

Dream in your very brightest calendar year ahead with Goddess Aisling as she offers her ethereal energies to help you create a Vision Board.

Brigid's Fire Blessing, February

Date: February 1st

Host: Valentina Spagnesi

May your passion ignite as powerful Irish Goddess and Matron Saint Brigid gifts her magnificent Brigid's Fire Blessing at the start of Springtime.

Maiden Rites of Grainne, March

Date: March 13th

Host: Leisha McGrath

Learn how to honour your first 'Moontime' with the precious Maiden Rites of Gráinne as you retrospectively recreate your girlhood experience.

Morrigan’s Burlá Ghuí, April

Date: April 15th

Host: Roseleen McNally

Embrace the powerful Birth, Death, Rebirth cycle of life with The Morrigan's Burlá Ghuí Prayer Bundle created from Mother Nature's best.

Moons of Love, May

Date: May 7th

Host: Rose O'Connor

Revere your beautiful Moons of Love Sacred Breasts with a shamanic Journey to have a sacred conversation with them asking what they need.

Mother Rites of Danu, June

Date: June 11th

Host: Carmel Minogue

Receive the exquisite Mother Rites of Danu as you heal your own mothering and honour how you mother babies / projects today.

Faerie Rites, July

Date: July 22nd

Host: Jenn Trumbo

Revel in the delightful energies of the Faerie Rites awakening to the mischief, magic and focus within as, with respect and honour, Na Sídhe gift you these.

Goddess-You, August

Date: August 19th

Host: Eve M Cunningham

Reveal Your Inner Goddess and capture a soul moment photograph as an Irish Goddess helps you know your true nature and powerful presence.

Síle na Gig Rites, September

Date: September 11th

Host: Arlene Caffery

Awaken to your holistic sacred sexuality by receiving the magnificent Síle Na Gig Rites and explore in community what it means to be whole.

Womb Journey, October

Date: October 10th

Host: Ruth Carr Spencer

Journey to the Energetic Cauldron of Your Womb as you listen while this most treasured 'cauldron of potential' tells you what she needs from you.

Crone Rites of the Cailleach, November

Date: November 26th

Host: Sue Arnott

Receive the Crone Rites of the Cailleach to honour your fore-mothers lineage and smooth your journey to elderhood whatever your current age.

Boann Crafting & Storytelling, December

Date: December 9th

Hosts: Jennifer Egan

Flow with River Goddess Boann as we practice the sacred art of crafting while listening to her fascinating and empowering story.

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Moon Musings

Learn how to bring the powerful archetypal energies of the Moon into your precious life.