Goddess Spiral Of the Year
Do you wish to learn about the Celtic Festivals, the Irish Goddesses and their relevance to your life today. During each part of this beautiful Course, you will be gifted all you need to create your own ceremony at home to connect with each Goddess in your own way and embody their gifts into your being. There are also 8 Live Online Zoom Gatherings where you will be guided on the significance of their archetypal energies at each seasonal celebration along with community ritual. This is a beautiful way to deepen your connection to the Lineage of your fore-mothers.
Moon Ritual Self Ceremonie
You may commence whenever you wish and each month receive the invitation to join me with your soul sisters for a live Lunar Gathering, daily sharings on our own private Facebook page (optional) and fascinating and powerful self paced Moon Rituals. I will guide you to create space in your life to commune with the ancient wisdom of Seanmháthair Gealach, Grandmother Moon to help enhance your truly epic life in a myriad of wonderous ways.
Menopause Course
Moon mná Circle Facilitators Training
This amazing online Women’s Course teaches you how to facilitate your own Moon Circles, with exclusive Celtic Rites of Passage, Blessings and Divine Feminine Ceremonies.
The Course revolves around the unique Moon Mná Lunar Themes which have organically emerged attuned to the Irish Goddesses, Grandmother Moon and the Celtic Wheel of the year for both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
Why Now? Why You?
Have you ever yearned to connect with other women and sit in a safe and confidential Circle to explore the many themes relevant to being a woman in our modern world? Hear the call to join me to commune with the ancient wisdom of Grandmother Moon including the precious gift of receiving the Celtic Rites of Passage along with many other traditions of the Divine Feminine in an international gathering of soul sisters.
Moon Mná Diary-Journal and Oracle Cards
Deepen your connection with the Moon and her rhythms with our popular Moon Mná Diary-Journal, Oracle Cards and Jewellery range.
Moon Musings
Learn how to bring the powerful archetypal energies of the Moon into your precious life.