Moon Craft Videos

Watch Videos of Moon Mná Craft Circles

For a couple of years during the pandemic, Moon Mná worldwide came together online to make the wonderful Moon Crafts in our Diary-Journals. Now you can make a nice ‘cuppa’, sit back and enjoy watching us make or do various wonderful crafts. Then we hope you will join in yourself at home especially with any little ones in your life. Each time I introduce the fabulous Moon Mná Circle Facilitator who dreamed up the particular Craft and then she talks us through how to make it.

The Moon Mná Diary-Journals  are available to purchase at the Moon Mná Siopa Store.

Vides Coming Soon

Make a Brigid's Cross

Julie Humphries teaches us how to make a 'No Reeds/No Problem' Brigid's Cross in time for approaching Imbolg.

Plant a Tree Seedling

Kathy Nettles grows trees on her farm in Cornwall. She will show us how to nurture them carefully at Springtime.

Create an Inner Moon Dial

Catherine Meade shows us how to craft a Seasonal Moon Dial to embrace our menstrual cycle.

Compose a Moon Mantra

Nicole Yazolino instructs us to create our own Moon Mantra. No need to be a 'singer' for this practise.

Full Moon Herbal Tea

Laura Darcy makes delicious monthly herbal Moon teas and here she shows us how to brew our own.

A Nature Cleansing Stick

Meghan Field teaches us to forage for nature to cleanse and clear our home and sacred spaces.

Craft a Floral Crown

Nadette Charlet helps us gather then weave a gorgeous floral Crown headdress for Moon Ceremonies.

Yoga Tree Pose

Norah Coyne, Yoga Teacher explains then talks us into this beautiful 'asana' pose to stand tall with the trees.

Self-Care Facial Massage

Frederika Le Cain, from her Health Store leads us in a simple & effective facial beauty routine.

Immune Boost Witches Tonic

Karin Grace teaches us how to make an amazing ancient recipe which is a must for strong Winter health.

Create an Ancestral Altar

Leslie Ann Burgess honours the Ancestors by showing us how to craft an Altar at Samhain time.

Natural Festive Place Settings

Brigid Whitehead guides us to craft beautiful unique and personal place settings for our festive tables.

More Moon Craft Circles

Feed your creativity by watching and partaking our wonderful Moon Crafts as featured in previous Moon Mná Diary-Journals.

Our Course & Training

Moon Spiral Tuatha

Circle Facilitator Training

Goddess Spiral of the Year


Moon Musings

Learn how to bring the powerful archetypal energies of the Moon into your precious life.